Coronavirus update
Update 23rd March 2021.
It's been a while since my last update. But as many of you all know, restrictions have certainly lifted with many weddings back on track for 2021. My photography services are certainly still available for 2021 and their are still available spots for wedding photography as well as portraits. So if you're looking for a Melbourne wedding or portrait photographer. Make sure you schedule a time to have a chat, email me or you can call me directly on 0421 835 648. Take care and stay safe!
Update 27th October 2020.
In addition to the permitted outdoor photography. From 11:59pm tonight. Weddings can have up to 10 people including the couple, two witnesses. A celebrant and one photographer are excluded from the cap.
Update 18th October 2020.
Good news everyone! As of the 19th of October 12:00am, outdoor photography is permitted.
Update 28th September 2020.
The curfew is over! Yay! But current restrictions still do not allow us to photograph you physically. More changes will be announced on the 19th of October. Fingers crossed!
Update 20th September 2020.
At this point in time, its not clear when photography will be allowed again. According to the Victorian roadmap, it's all speculation at this point unfortunately. It possible from the 26th October, or the 23rd of November 2020.
Again it doesn't stop us from having a discussion and planning ahead of time.
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Update 27th August 2020
With stage 4 restrictions; non-essential services cannot operate until further advised by the Victorian Government.
But even though I cannot operate my business, that doesn't mean we can't have a chat to discuss and plan your amazing photographic experience!
Update 8th July 2020
Due to the rise in COVID 19 cases, metropolitan Melbourne, Victoria will be returning back to stage 3 lockdowns for 6 six weeks starting from 11:59pm today 8th July 2020.
This section has been copy and pasted from Victoria Heath and Human services:
You may travel outside of Melbourne metropolitan area or the Shire of Mitchell to attend a wedding or funeral, noting that the location of the wedding or funeral determines what restrictions apply.
You should never attend a wedding or funeral if unwell. And if you are in Melbourne you should ensure that you practice physical distancing at the event.
Weddings in the Melbourne metropolitan area or the Shire of Mitchell will be restricted to 5 people (the couple, two witnesses and the celebrant). You cannot travel to a wedding outside of these restricted areas as a guest. You can travel for a wedding if you are getting married, or you are the celebrant, or the witness.
Funerals held in the Melbourne metropolitan area or the Shire of Mitchell will be restricted to 10 people plus those required to conduct the funeral.
A wedding or funeral held in a private residence outside of metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire will be limited to five visitors, plus the celebrant.
Religious services and private worship will need to be streamed online as places of worship will be closed in Melbourne and Mitchell Shire except to broadcast services, hold weddings, funerals or public services such as foodbanks.
Hi everyone! I hope everyone is safe and healthy in Australia as well as the international community.
As of May 8th 2020. I have new updates and steps and plans from the Australian government to reopen Australia.
So for all of you newly engaged couples who are waiting and or planning your weddings, here are the updates!
Step 1. With regard to weddings, a total of 10 guests are now allowed to attend, with the addition of the couple and the celebrant, this equates to 13 people.
For couples looking to get married in a religious setting/venue. These gatherings can have up to 10 attendees, including the couple and celebrant (total of 10 only).
In regards to receptions, large receptions (i.e. more than 10 people) will be unlikely due to the closure of entertainment and amusement venues, as well as the current restricted limit of people. Small receptions can still be held in restaurants or cafes and may seat up to 10 people at one time. They must maintain an physical distancing rules with an average density of 4 square metres per person.
Also, every event must record the contact details for those in attendance so they can be contacted in the case of another outbreak (touchwood!). So when you're going through your guest list, be sure to have the contact details; email, mobile number, and even perhaps an idea of how much of the event they'll be attending i.e. will they be only attending the wedding ceremony or will they be attending the whole entire event. Every bit of detail counts in helping our health services to help reduce the spread COVID-19.
As advised by the government it is crucial that everyone abides by the physical distancing guidelines.
Step 2. Depending on how well things go with step 1, this will occur on a later date.
This outline will be similar to step 1, where it focuses on allowing larger gatherings and allowing other businesses to reopen.
Weddings will allow up to 20 attendees, in addition to the couple and celebrant (23 people). Restaurants will be able to seat up to 20 people at a time, whilst following physical distancing rules. Other entertainment and amusement venues will also be open, including cinemas, galleries, stadiums, concert venues and zoos will be able to open and hold a maximum of 20 people.
Again, maintain physical distancing rules and record the contact details of all attendees.
Step 3. Again, depending on how things go and how things are progressing based on stages 1 and 2.
This stage is a commitment to reopening of businesses and the community with minimal restrictions, whilst underpinning 'COVIDSafe' ways of living.
This will allow larger events to go ahead while following COVID Safe guidelines.
Weddings will allow gatherings of 100 people and again contact details must be recorded.
Cinemas, galleries, stadiums, concert venues and zoos will allow 100 patrons at one time, and again adhering to the average density of one person per 4 square metres. So, venues with more than 400 square metres will be able to fit 100 people. Smaller venues with less than 400 square metres can only allow less than 100 people.
This is what I believe is important at this point in time. But if you'd like more information check out for more details.
Houng from Houng Taing Photography.